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Cooperation partners

We highly value the joint contribution of our cooperation partners to the work, so that companies in Latvia have a more understandable and easier access to growth capital. We work according to the "win-win" principle.

Cooperation partners recommend Oferta Finance to their clients, and we, in turn, recommend our partners' services to our clients.


SIA "FinConsulting" is a company that has been providing a wide range of financial and business consulting in Latvia and beyond for 17 years. It is our partner who will develop a business plan of any format and complexity for you, if it is necessary for attracting funding or making management decisions. The company's specialists, based on their long-term experience, will provide you with advice on the most suitable Altum support program and prepare a complete package of documents to apply for Altum financing, as well as help prepare answers to the requests of credit specialists during the application review. SIA "FinConsulting" also develops EU structural fund projects and provides financial analysis outsourcing services for companies (development of financial models and budget plans, production cost calculation, various optimization tasks, etc.).

Elising-logo-black-e .png is the leading car and other vehicle leasing and credit comparison platform in Latvia, founded in 2015. The platform offers a quick and easy solution for customers to compare and choose the best leasing and loan offers from more than 20 different lenders. By cooperating with leading financial institutions, provides a transparent, reliable and profitable range of financial solutions, adapting to the needs of each client. The purpose of the platform is to make the leasing process easily accessible and understandable to all customers.

Propartner logo.png is a licensed and insured agency specializing in debt collection and credit risk management. The agency offers high-quality services, providing a clear picture of the risks associated with the clients' economic activity, as well as providing accurate and reliable credit reports and business information. With more than 10 years of experience and cooperation with international partners, is one of the leading companies in the field of marketing and credit information in the Baltic and Nordic countries.

Finlat.png.webp is a leading online platform in Latvia that offers various financial services, including loans against real estate collateral, consumer and car loans, as well as refinancing and loan consolidation. Founded in 2016, the platform has served more than 90,000 customers with a total amount of loans of 137.2 million euros.

With more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, provides individual solutions to clients, ensuring fast and simple loan processing. The platform is an independent credit broker and is registered in the Register of Credit Intermediaries of Latvia (KS-21).


H2ALOGO300px.png is an independent consultancy firm registered in Gibraltar with over 20 years experience in the financial services industry. The firm has built a wide network of reliable contacts, cooperating with more than 200 banks and 300 service providers worldwide. aims to provide accurate and detailed information so clients can make informed decisions. The firm conducts thorough research and helps find the most suitable solutions by introducing clients to selected service providers who already know the client's needs.

The firm offers a comprehensive service search, comparison, implementation and monitoring, ensuring efficient use of solutions without undue pressure.

profile-image-type-company-1331284.png ir Oferta Finance sadarbības partneris, kas specializējas juridisko pakalpojumu sniegšanā un palīdz klientiem risināt sarežģītus tiesiskus jautājumus. Uzņēmums piedāvā plašu juridisko pakalpojumu klāstu, tostarp parādu piedziņas, līgumu sastādīšanas un juridisko konsultāciju jomās. Ar ilggadēju pieredzi un profesionālu pieeju nodrošina uzticamus risinājumus gan privātpersonām, gan uzņēmumiem. Viņu mērķis ir sniegt skaidrus, efektīvus un klientiem izdevīgus risinājumus.


imperio-awatar-square.png ir Oferta Finance uzticams nekustamo īpašumu pārdošanas un investīciju partneris Latvijā, kas piedāvā profesionālus un individuāli pielāgotus risinājumus. Ar ilggadēju pieredzi tirgū, specializējas kvalitatīvu īpašumu pārdošanā, nodrošinot augsta līmeņa servisu un klientu apmierinātību. Partnerība ar garantē drošus un efektīvus darījumus nekustamo īpašumu jomā.


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